The Holy Spirit-Our Heavenly Friend
John 14:16-GNB I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is like Jesus Himself in character, personality, and works. John 14:17-AMP The Spirit of...
God is Giving You The Breakthrough
1Chronicles 14:8-12-AMP 8 And when the Philistines heard that David was anointed king over all Israel, all went up to seek David. And heard of it and went out before them. 9 Now the...
Being A Strong Support in the Kingdom
1Corinthians 15:58-KJV Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord….” WE ARE TO BE A PEOPLE THAT ARE NOT MOVED TO WHAT GOD HAS CALLED US TO...
Empowered by God to Overcome.
Psalm 119:57-‐58-‐Passion 57 You are my satisfaction, Lord, and all that I need, so I’m determined to do everything you say. 58 With all my heart I seek your favor; pour out your grace on me...
Recognizing and Responding to Challenges in Our Lives
HOW GOOD OR HOW BAD YOUR LIFE IS HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH HOW YOU PERCEIVE AND REACTTO THE CHALLENGESIN YOUR LIFE! Perceive:…interpret or look on (someone or something) in a particular way;…discern,recognize, become aware...
Learning to Find Rest in God.
Luke10:38-42-AMP 38 Now while they were on their way, it occurred that Jesus entered a certain village, and a woman named Martha received and welcomed Him into her house. 39 And she had a sister named...
Are You Fighting the Good Fight of Faith?
1Timothy 6:12-Wester Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. Message Bible: …Run hard and fast in...
The Resurrection of Jesus our Firstfruits
FIRSTFRUITS SETS APART THE WHOLE HARVEST. Leviticus 23:9-10-AMP 9 And the Lord said to Moses, 10 Tell the Israelites, When you have come into the land I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring...
Being Mentally Strong and Prepared For Anything
A RIGHT MENTAL ATTITUDE IS CREATED BY FAITH/TRUST IN GOD’S WORD. 1Peter 1:13-NKJV Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be...
Together with One Heart and One Purpose
What happened shortly after the resurrection of Jesus? Acts 2:1-3(KJV) 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound...