Sermons Archive

Staying In Step With God
Being Aware of Satan’s Strategies
Carrying Each Other’s Burdens To Jesus.
Moving Forward in the Strength of God
Being Sensitive to the Holy Spirit
God Wants to Use Me
God has Empowered You above Your circumstances.

Category: Global Outreach, Relationship, Spritual Growth / Speaker: Pastor Audie Clairmont
February 09, 2020

Psalm 119:57-58-Passion 57 You are my satisfaction, Lord, and all that I need, so I’m determined to do everything you say. 58 With all my heart I seek your favor; pour out your grace on...

Be Filled with the Spirit.

Category: Global Outreach, Relationship, Spritual Growth / Speaker: Pastor Audie Clairmont
February 02, 2020

The number one priority on God’s heart for his people today is to maintain a fresh infilling on the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5: 18-19 – Passion Translation 18 Neither be drunk with wine, which is...